is it already known when this feature will be ready? :)
Merged in a post:
The ability to show only the employees who work that day
Heijens Victoria
Very annoying when you work with dozens of people and who are all visible every day. Can't there be a works today button?
Evelyne Lefevere
We have 22 employees. I always have to check these off or check those that have been worked per week or day. Extremely unclear. Indeed, please only automatically show the employees with the exceptional working hours per day/week/month who have then been worked.
Claudia Nelen
Show colleagues who work every day. Annoying when this number varies from day to day. Hopefully, work will be done soon.
Patrick Janssen
hopefully this will be done soon
Anicée Van Camp
Jurgen Windels: Hi Sven, please also see that the employees also stay off, now you have to turn this off again and again, which is very annoying. If you turn them off, they should only be visible again if you turn them back on manually or on the day that the employee is active. now this is constantly turning off, and if you open the agenda again, they are back on it, this is very frustrating.
Claudia Nelen
very much! Especially if you work alone some days and others with 5
Sven Cornelis
in progress
Patrick Janssen
What does a refresh reset mean?
Sven Cornelis
Patrick Janssen: For example, if you let 2 of the 4 employees appear in the agenda and then go to the checkout and back to the agenda, you must indicate again which 2 of the 4 employees you want to view.
This is currently possible but will be reset after a refresh.
Could it also be standard that the system only shows employees who are at work that day without having to make them invisible themselves?
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